The Diva staff and your favorite IDA judges come to you virtually, LIVE from a venue!
Your judges will be watching your routines on a big screen right from the judges' table as they are being streamed - as if they are watching you on stage!
All THREE judges will give immediate feedback, streamed LIVE, right after watching your routine. You will able to see their faces talking directly to you and feel that personal connection, just like at a traditional Diva event!
Your adjudicated score will be announced LIVE immediately after your watching your feedback!
All three judges give written feedback which will be available on your genie dashboard at the conclusion of the competition!
Registration is done in the same manner as a traditional event. Login to or create your Dancecomp Genie account via our registration page. Select the "DIVA VIRTUAL" event and register your routines. Once you have registered your routines, click the "upload video" button on your dashboard and upload your routine videos.
Videos must be uploaded no later than two weeks prior to the event.
A final schedule will be emailed to the studio at least one week prior to the event.
Fees are available to studio directors only, via email or online once you begin your registration.
Video submissions of all types are accepted. You may enter in-studio or at-home footage or performances from any competition, recital, rehearsal or showcase. Where the video was filmed will have no impact the routine score.
All entry types are accepted: solo, duo/trio, small group, large group & production.
DIVA VIRTUAL will adhere to Diva's existing rules and regulations.
DIVA VIRTUAL will use the same judging and scoring system as a traditional Diva event.
The Final Awards Ceremony will be streamed at the conclusion of the event. The day and time of the awards ceremony will depend on the number of entries. All of the same awards will be announced:
High Scores in Every Division​
Overall High Scores in Every Division
Top Overall High Scores in Corps and Elite
Top Champion in Corps and Elite
Title Winners in Corps and Elite
Judges' Individual Special Awards
Judges' Collaborative Special Recognition Awards
CdLS Spirit Award
Judges' Choice Award
Key to Success Scholarship
ADCC Studio of Excellence Award
Each studio will receive a custom plaque with all adjudicated awards which will be mailed to the studio.
Each Title Winner will receive a custom Title Winner Plaque, fanny pack and Diva scholarship which will be mailed to the studio.
The “Key To Success Winner” will receive a cash scholarship in the form of a check which will be mailed to the scholarship winner.
All remaining awards will be delivered to the studio via email in the form of hi-res digital downloads that can be printed.