Because events may sell out, studios can opt to secure their spot by placing a $500 non-refundable deposit by Dec 1st. With the deposit, studios are required to submit their "estimated" number of routines. To prevent over-booking, studios may not register above their estimate without permission from a Competition Director. Studios must contact the competition to inquire if space is available for additional routines. If a studio plans to bring over 10% less than its estimated number of routines. the competition must be notified at least 60 days prior to the event so the spots can be opened to studios on the waitlist. If the competition is notified in less than 60 days, a $100 fee will be added to the studio balance. Completed registration must be received no later than 30 days prior to the event.
Entries are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration must be submitted 30 days prior to the event. Registrations are not considered complete until payment has been made in full. Upon completion, confirmation of the registration will be emailed to the studio director. It is the responsibility of the studio director to check all entry submissions for accuracy including entry levels, categories, and age levels. Any changes that need to be made must be submitted VIA EMAIL as soon as possible. Changes received once a final schedule has been sent are not guaranteed. Registrations that are not paid for in full by the deadline are subject to deletion.
Completed registration is due no later than 30 days prior to the event and final payment is due no later than 3 weeks prior to the event date. Accounts that are not paid in full by the deadline will be considered late and will not be included in the schedule. We offer a 5-day grace period for late payments. Accounts unpaid by the end of the 5-day grace period will be deleted permanently.
We always try our very best to accommodate scheduling needs, but due to the number of requests, they are not always guaranteed. Requests/conflicts must be included in the note section of your online registration for the best chance of accommodation. If a conflict arises after you have submitted your registration, it must be submitted VIA EMAIL. Requests made after the final schedule has been sent may not be possible.
The final schedule will be sent to the studio director via email approximately 10 days prior to the event or sooner. It is the responsibility of the studio director to check all entry submissions for accuracy.
After the final schedule has been received, any necessary changes such as routine name changes etc. must be submitted immediately VIA EMAIL. Changes in entry levels, categories, or age levels that require a schedule change may result in ineligibility for Overalls and Titles. Absolutely no changes can be made the week or weekend of competition.
Music must be uploaded to your registration page in MP3 format NO LATER than 2 weeks prior to competition. To upload, login to your DanceComp Genie account and click the tab that says "upload music". It is just like sending an email attachment. You will browse your computer for your file and then attach. Music must be submitted in this way. We CANNOT accept music the day of nor can we accept CDs. Please bring an iPod or flash drive with your backup music. It is your responsibility to check your uploaded music to be sure they are the cuts you want. To check your music, login to your DanceComp Genie account and click the "Upload Music" button on your dashboard. Your uploaded music will be highlighted in blue. Click to listen. Please let us know if you have trouble with the upload process.
Diva provides FREE pictures of all routines and award ceremonies at every Regional and National event as a thank-you for contributing to the CdLS Foundation. These are professional photos taken by L.WALSHE PHOTOGRAPHY. They will be posted online for you to download following the competition. Visit our MEDIA PAGE for easy access to photos or search SmugMug.com for Diva Dance Competition on your desktop or mobile app. Photography by audience members is strictly prohibited for the safety and privacy of our dancers. By competing at Diva, entrants consent to the use of their images for promotional purposes.
Diva provides all performance videos for FREE! Videos will be available online following the competition on our MEDIA PAGE. Each studio will receive their own private code to access and download their videos. Studios are able to share this code with their dancers at their discretion. Videography by audience members at any time is strictly prohibited for the safety and privacy of our dancers.
We happily accommodate props but certain restrictions apply. The use of dangerous props including but not limited to fire, swords, knives and any substance that could alter the surface of the dance floor is strictly prohibited including glitter, graphite powder and paint of any kind. Props requiring an electrical outlet are also prohibited. Set up and breakdown of props must be done in a timely manner. If you have large props that require more than one person to set up, we must be notified well in advance so we can schedule your routine accordingly. Prop information MUST be filled out on the registration page. If props are found not to be in accordance with the rules, the routine may be subject to a deduction in points or disqualification.
A studio representative must check in with the merchandise table at arrival to pick up their studio information packet.
No food or beverage is allowed in the auditorium or dressing rooms during Diva Events. Food and drinks must stay in designated areas and be cleaned up once completed.
Alcohol, drugs or smoking of any kind is absolutely prohibited on competition venue premises. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in disqualification.
There is a $25 returned check/declined credit card fee.
There are no refunds of any kind.
Diva is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items.
Diva Dance Competition is always looking for qualified employees and volunteers. If you’re interested in employment, please email your resume to director@divacomps.com.